This is How We Overcome Small Thinking!

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

Many Christians today are overcome by the pressures and situations of this world. However, we were created with purpose and destiny and the truth of the matter is – we need to overcome small thinking. Join me in this podcast entitled, “This is How We Overcome Small Thinking.”

This is How We Overcome Small Thinking!

Challenged by Challenges! Living in Pain! Pt 2

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

Many of us know pain – whether it’s emotional or physical. We’ve all experienced it. But the bigger question is what did you do with it? How did you handle it? Listen to this podcast as you are “Challenged by Challenges! Living in Pain!” and be strengthend!

Challenged by Challenges! Living in Pain! Pt 2

The Power of the Word!

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

Many of us have a copy of the Bible, probably multiple copies of it. But many of us don’t ever read it for ourselves. We listen to preachers/teachers tell us about it. I challenge you today to read it for yourself!

The Power of the Word!

Challenged by Challenges! Hitting Bottom! Pt 1

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

All of us have met challenges along life’s road. Some just about wiped us out, others we survived. This new sermon series is meant to inspire you to rise above the challenges of life and come out on top.

Challenged by Challenges! Hitting Bottom! Pt 1

The Real Work is in the Valleys!

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

Jesus was transfigured right before the disciples, but He didn’t stay there like Peter suggested they do. Jesus knew the real work was in the valleys.

The Real Work is in the Valleys!

I Am… Or Am I? Pt 10

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

This is the last in the series, “I Am… Or Am I?” In this message the Apostle Paul tells us he is the “foremost of sinners.” In other words, he’s #1. Don’t know if I’ve ever made that declaration or even if I want to. Listen to this message and see what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.

I Am... Or Am I? Pt 10

Being A Witness in Your Own Hometown

These podcast are designed to allow the Holy Spirit to help you live a victorious, triumphant, overcoming life, in Jesus name!

I pray that through this podcast the Holy Spirit has challenged you in some way to become all that God ever intended you to be!

Many Christians today have given up their responsibility to being witnesses for Jesus Christ. The statistics are staggering. This message will lay out seven easy steps to doing what Jesus saved you to do!

Being A Witness in Your Own Hometown